Training and social action
Training and social action

Two people sitting with electronic devices - Training
The accessibility of the services and the adaptation of the processes undoubtedly due to the training and knowledge of the employees of what is considered a disability. To do this, interactive and enjoyable training is offered in order to sensitize a team or group of people in what a disability implies and the difficulties or barriers existing on a day-to-day basis.
Through this awareness, which can be done in one or several training days in the company, the following capabilities will be obtained:
Understanding and awareness by employees of what disability and danger consist of
Increase in the quality of service adaptation given the knowledge and personal experience acquired through training
Increase the corporate social responsibility of the company
Recognition of the company’s image by society
Do you want to sensitize your employees about what disability implies, in what way is the provision of services adapted from the company? Do you want your employees to know the communication tools with disabled staff? Get more information at our services for companies web or write us to in order to offer you all the information you may need.