Accessibility evaluation of corporate services

Person underlining a document - Accessibility evaluation
Accessibility evaluation of corporate services
Sometimes, so-called accessible services are offered that unfortunately do not work properly or do not provide the degree of adaptation required for people with disabilities. Nacer Sordo offers its complete platform together with the professional relationships established to provide a comprehensive and specialized audit to all those companies, regardless of the sector in which they are located, that seek to certify their total or partial portfolio of services.
In this way, the efforts made by the company can focus on providing the desired service while Nacer Sordo provides all the necessary knowledge to make these accessible. The companies with accessible services recognized by Nacer Sordo will have the following advantages as well as an additional recognition by the company.
Accessible Certification of Nacer Sordo
Inclusion of logo and corporate information on our website, thus disseminating the adaptation among all disabled groups
License to use the Nacer Sordo logo for a specific period of time, demonstrating the adaptation of services to the group of people with disabilities
To increase the company image in the market and greater recognition of society by adapting the offered services
Stand out from the competitors thanks to a socially responsible attitude and accessible services
Promotion of a positive work environment in the company
Demonstration of a committed organization to society
Do you want to have the logo? Do you doubt if your services are really adapted? Do you want a guide during the whole evaluation process to know what actions to carry out? Do you want to increase the disabled profile clients through our platform? Find out on our services for companies web or write us without obligation to in order to provide you without obligation all the information you may need.