Especialistas en trastornos auditivos / Specialists in hearing disorders C/ San Vicente, 8 Planta 5 Departamento F Edificio Albia Torre II 48001...
Adapted companies
Adapted companies
Do you know adapted companies and / or entities that are not in this list? If so, let us know by clicking here. Remember that you can expand all this information together with the spanish and international specialized centers for the deaf in the education section.
Autoescuela Sprint
Autoescuela adaptada para discapacitados auditivos / Driving school adapted for the hearing impaired C/ La Via, 57 28019 Madrid Telf: 914 694...
Autoescuela Gala
Autoescuela adaptada para discapacitados auditivos / Driving school adapted for the hearing impaired Consultar centros de enseñanza Telf: 917 242...
Centro de atención personalizada en psicología y educación / Personalized attention center in psychology and education Pza. Cataluña 6 (local 7),...
Clínica Capón
Centro clínico de fisioterapia, osteopatía y podología / Clinical center of physiotherapy, osteopathy and podiatry C/ Valle de Laciana 82, 28035...
Servicio profesional de intérpretes de lengua de signos / Professional service of sign language interpreters Pontevedra y Ourense aunque se ofrece...
Centro pedagógico y del lenguaje / Pedagogical and language center C/ Antonio Lozano Viñes 2 Bajo B, 19001 Guadalajara Telf: 949...
Halcón Viajes
Agencias de viajes adaptadas para discapacitados auditivos / Travel agency adapted for the hearing impaired Consultar listado de oficinas con servicio...
We Learn Coaching
Psicólogos Expertos en Coaching Personal y Organizacional / Expert Psychologists in Personal and Organizational Coaching C/ Juan Bravo, 32 1º Dcha...